Learning Offer

Discover What We Have To Offer

At Active Wellbeing School, we believe that learning should be engaging, enjoyable and rewarding for everyone, developing pupils to be lifelong learners.  Through high quality teaching, we inspire pupils to learn and equip themselves with the skills, knowledge and understanding necessary to reach their full potential.  Our belief in an individualised approach to teaching and learning contributes to pupils becoming successful learners who make excellent progress.

We deliver a curriculum which is broad, balanced and inclusive, tailored for pupils with social, emotional and mental health difficulties as well as varying needs, including SpLD, MLD and various cognitive learning difficulties.

Through this curriculum, we also aim for pupils to achieve and maintain a strong sense of wellbeing. This is accomplished through the building of mental health literacy and self-belief, which will be consciously incorporated into all aspects of their school experience: subject lessons, outdoor education, education resilience, and emotional intelligence.

This means that our curriculum, in every subject, is planned to ensure pupils leave with exceptional outcomes, both in their academic attainment and in their personal development. We encourage every child to strive for personal excellence, as well as reaching their full academic potential.



At Active Wellbeing School we deliver the ‘Twinkl Phonics’ scheme.  This scheme is delivered in line with the ‘5 Key Characteristics of Effective Phonics Instruction’, which are;

  • Link phonemic awareness to phonics;
  • Be explicitly and systematically taught;
  • Provide opportunities for practice in reading and writing;
  • Include flexible instruction;
  • Be taught in an integrate literacy programme.


Sociological Intervention

Students work alongside fully qualified teachers and wellbeing mentors to engage with our AR Portal and will benefit from a range of planned experiences relating to the 5 Ways to Wellbeing (adopted by the NHS and MIND the mental health charity). Students will have access to a programme of planned activities, relating to increasing physical activity engagement, connecting with others positively, learning new skills, giving back to others and being mindful. Our children are also exposed to a range of therapies depending on their specific needs, examples include;

  • Family Therapy
  • LEGO Therapy
  • Equine Therapy 

5 Ways to Wellbeing and Learning

The learning opportunities we provide are planned and delivered around the 5 ways to wellbeing (as identified by MIND, the mental health charity) we positively promote the importance of physical activity for improving not only good physical health, but good mental health too. We actively encourage our students and staff to:

Connect (to form and sustain positive relationships)

Be Active (to take responsibility for overall physical health by considering the impacts of diet, exercise, screen time, adequate sleep)

Take Notice (to practise mindfulness and be present in the moment)

Keep Learning (to develop a growth mindset and embrace challenge as a way of moving forward)

Give (to make a positive contribution to society)

As our children’s mental health and wellbeing improves, so does their readiness to learn. We pride ourselves on our mental health and wellbeing approach, which draws upon individual strengths and personal motivation to promote learning and academic achievement. We offer a fast paced and varied curriculum (with national curriculum coverage) which matches the current level of attainment for each student. In addition, our students benefit from learning life skills such as basic nutrition, eye-contact and positive coping mechanisms. Our aim is to develop resilient, respectful citizens who are empowered to lead a positive and healthy lifestyle.